Remote sensing data analysis
We had conducted analytical works of satellite data (ASTER, PALSAR) and hyperspectral data (HyMap, AVIRIS, Hyperion) entrusted by the Earth Remote Sensing Data Analysis Center (ERSDAC, presently, Japan Space Systems (JSS)) from 1990's to 2000's. Targets of research were copper deposits in the USA, nickel, lead and PGM deposits in Australia, gold deposit in Chile and nickel deposits in Solomon Islands. Satellite data analysis has been entrusted by private companies including SMM and Japan Mining Engineering & Training Center (JMEC)

Ground truth in porphyry copper deposit area in Nevada, USA in 2003

Spectral measurement by spectrometer in Australia in 2002

Analytical results of hyperspectral data on porphyry copper mine in New Mexico, USA

Mosaic image of PALSAR data analyzed in JICA Madagascar project in 2012
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Sumiko Resources Exploration & Development Co., Ltd
Exploration and Environmental Survey Department
Address: 33 Mori Bldg. (5F), 8-21 Toranomon 3-chome,
Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-0001, Japan
TEL:+81-3-5405-2172 /